Live for an Audience of One

A hostile world! I call to God, I cry to God to help me. From his palace he hears my call; my cry brings me right into his presence— a private audience! — Psalm 18:6 (MSG) Fear of human opinion can disable you from doing what God has called you to do. (Proverbs 29:25). May we live for an audience of One, the One who created us and will never abandon us. No matter how hostile the world around us becomes, we cannot go wrong when we live to please our heavenly Father. In John 8:29 (NKJV), Jesus said, “ And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him. ” May we follow in His footsteps and always live to please God. Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God, as we have taught you. You live this way already, and we encourage you to do so even more. (1 Thessalonians 4:1 NLT)