More Than Enough
Jesus told the people to sit on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves, gave thanks to God, and divided the bread. He gave the pieces to his followers to give to the people, and they did so. The followers also had a few small fish. After Jesus gave thanks for the fish, he told his followers to give them to the people also. All the people ate and were satisfied. Then his followers filled seven baskets with the leftover pieces of food.
Mark 8:6-8 (NCV)
Jesus thanked God for the seven loaves of bread and few small fish they had and they fed more than 4,000 people. These people didn't just have a little snack. They ate until they were fully satisfied and the disciples filled seven baskets with the leftovers. This is a good lesson in focusing on what you do have instead of what you are lacking, and relying on God no matter how the circumstances appear. Let us thank God for the little we have, and He will provide more than enough.