
Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 4:1 (NIV)

Relief. When I uttered those words this morning, my muscles relaxed and God's calming, soothing Spirit washed over me. He took my nerves which were like a rubberband stretched to its maximum limit and laid each one out in His peaceful, yet powerful, Presence. I felt the warm glow of relief and exhaled. As the Amplified Bible says, God frees us up when we are hemmed in and enlarges us when we are in distress (Psalm 4:1). Because of He who is in us, we are larger than anything that comes against us.

How do YOU spell relief? I spell it, G O D. Remember to slow down. Sit in His Presence and unwind. Loosen up. He will give you relief.


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