He Pleads for Us!

“Even now, look! My witness is in heaven,
and the one who testifies for me is above,
the spokesman for my thoughts.
My eyes drip with tears to God
But my witness will plead for a human in front of God.
The Son of Man will plead for his friend!”
Job 16:19-21 (GW)

In the midst of his trial, Job knew the Son of Man was pleading to the Father on his behalf. In our troubles, let us be confident that even though the devil accuses us, before God day and night, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. (Revelation 12:10 and 1 John 2:1). Brothers and sisters, He calls us "friend" and He pleads our case before the Father. Glory hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus.


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