At the Appointed Time
Then the LORD answered me,
“Write the vision.
Make it clear on tablets
so that anyone can read it quickly.
The vision will still happen at the appointed time.
It hurries toward its goal.
It won’t be a lie.
If it’s delayed, wait for it.
It will certainly happen.
It won’t be late.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 (GW)
If God has given you a vision for your future, write it down and make it clear. Run with it and the vision will certainly come to pass. If there is a delay don’t start to have doubts or get discouraged. God brings everything together at the appointed time. At the appointed time, Sarah’s previously barren womb gave birth to a son well past her child-bearing years. Abraham and Sarah did their part (this was not the virgin birth) and God made it happen. Likewise, we have to do our part and patiently wait for God to make it happen. And when it does, it will be right on time. Amen!