Empowered by Christ!

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]. Philippians 4:13 (AMP)

We can do all things through Christ (NKJV). The key word here is “through” or “in.” If we rely on our own power and strength to accomplish anything, our confidence is in the flesh, and not in the Spirit of God. This almost always guarantees failure. In order to have the ability to do ALL things, we must operate through Christ and let His power work in us and through us. In order to experience good success and walk in victory, we are to be filled and led by the Spirit of God within us. Any type of vehicle has only one driver’s seat. If you want to get somewhere in life, leave the steering wheel in God’s hands!


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