Be Refreshed!
Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, —Acts 3:19 (NKJV)
In the presence of the Lord we are refreshed, revived and restored. As we surrender our will and flow with the Spirit of the Lord that dwells within us, we are strengthened and His power enables us to accomplish all that He designed for us. The Lord rebuilds that which is broken and makes us into brand new creations. Every morning, He pours out new mercies and compassions on us. So we have a fresh start each day. As we continually abide in His Presence, we are refreshed and our lives are changed from ordinary to extraordinary.
In the presence of the Lord we are refreshed, revived and restored. As we surrender our will and flow with the Spirit of the Lord that dwells within us, we are strengthened and His power enables us to accomplish all that He designed for us. The Lord rebuilds that which is broken and makes us into brand new creations. Every morning, He pours out new mercies and compassions on us. So we have a fresh start each day. As we continually abide in His Presence, we are refreshed and our lives are changed from ordinary to extraordinary.