Exceedingly Glad
For You have made him most blessed forever; You have made him exceedingly glad with Your presence. —Psalm 21:6 (NKJV)
When we focus our attention on the presence of the LORD and give His Holy Spirit access to every area of our being, we become exceedingly glad. He makes us full of joy in His presence. (Acts 2:28 & Psalm 16:11). In the light of His Presence, darkness has to flee, bondages are broken and strongholds are destroyed. In His presence, our mourning turns into dancing (Psalm 30:11). The mountains that stand before us, become molehills when we look to our Mighty God, and remember that He is with us. The battle belongs to our great God and He is well able to establish all that concerns you. That is cause for exceeding gladness to well up inside of us! Don’t let the enemy steal your joy. The joy of the LORD is your strength.
When we focus our attention on the presence of the LORD and give His Holy Spirit access to every area of our being, we become exceedingly glad. He makes us full of joy in His presence. (Acts 2:28 & Psalm 16:11). In the light of His Presence, darkness has to flee, bondages are broken and strongholds are destroyed. In His presence, our mourning turns into dancing (Psalm 30:11). The mountains that stand before us, become molehills when we look to our Mighty God, and remember that He is with us. The battle belongs to our great God and He is well able to establish all that concerns you. That is cause for exceeding gladness to well up inside of us! Don’t let the enemy steal your joy. The joy of the LORD is your strength.