My eyes are upon You

But my eyes are upon You, O GOD the Lord; in You I take refuge; Do not leave my soul destitute.Psalm 141:8 (NKJV)

The most effective and beneficial move we can make, in any and every situation is to keep our eyes on the LORD, our God. As Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to walk on the water, but when he looked at the external conditions, the wind, around him, he got fearful and started to sink (Matthew 14:28-30). With our eyes on Jesus we can do the extraordinary. In Matthew 14:19-21, Jesus took five loaves and two fish, and looked up to heaven. He then proceeded to feed five thousand men, besides women and children. They all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the leftover fragments (Matthew 14:19-21). When we look to the Provider, He will take care of the provision. Instead of examining the complexities of the challenges, keep your eyes on the Lord and entertain the possibilities of our great God.

We keep looking to the LORD our God for his mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal. (Psalm 123:2 NLT)


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