Praise & be Raised

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. — Philippians 2:14-15 (NLT) In her book, Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer states: “ The Israelites complained and remained in the wilderness. Jesus praised and was raised from the dead. ” Let us be like Jesus, continually praise and be raised. Philippians 4:6 instructs us not to be anxious or worry about anything, but in every circumstance to pray with thanksgiving. Complaining, murmuring and faultfinding, will hinder you. Prayer and praise is the way to go. Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. — Psalm 147:1 (NKJV)