Just a Touch

A woman was in the crowd who had been bleeding for twelve years, but no one was able to heal her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his coat, and instantly her bleeding stopped. Luke 8:43-44 (NCV)

This woman had a need and praise God, she knew enough to seek Jesus for the healing she desired. She was not content to be one in the crowd, just trying to see Jesus. As a result of her persistence and determination to fight through the crowd, she got close enough to Jesus to touch his garment. Because this woman believed that Jesus was the answer to her problem, she made a withdrawal of power from on high. And Jesus said, “Someone did touch me, because I felt power go out from me.” (Luke 8:46) In Luke 8:48, Jesus said to her, “Dear woman, you are made well because you believed. Go in peace.”

May we, in faith and wisdom reach out and touch Jesus, our Lord and Savior, each and every day. Let us push through the things that crowd our day and have an intimate encounter with the Living Word, that we may be made well and go in peace.


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