Never Forgotten

Eternal One: Is it possible for a mother, however disappointed, however hurt, to forget her nursing child? Can she feel nothing for the baby she carried and birthed? Even if she could, I, God, will never forget you. Look here. I have made you a part of Me, written you on the palms of My hands. Your city walls are always on My mind, always My concern.Isaiah 49:15-16 (VOICE)

Continually cast your cares upon the LORD for He cares for you. He has not forgotten about you. Thou everyone else may desert you, the LORD is with you. He will never abandon you nor forsake you. Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is our Constant Companion.

Every single moment you are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! When I awake each morning, you’re still with me. Psalm 139:17-18 (TPT)

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