Keep Watching

Nevertheless, keep watching! I will restore this city and heal the wounds of My people. I will lavish them with peace and stability.Jeremiah 33:6 (VOICE)

“But now take another look. I’m going to give this city a thorough renovation, working a true healing inside and out. I’m going to show them life whole, life brimming with blessings. I’ll restore everything that was lost to Judah and Jerusalem. I’ll build everything back as good as new. I’ll scrub them clean from the dirt they’ve done against me. I’ll forgive everything they’ve done wrong, forgive all their rebellions. (Jeremiah 33:6-8 MSG) Our heavenly Father is a God of restoration and renewal. He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

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