Come Back

Lord Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Come back to me! By returning and resting in me you will be saved. In quietness and trust you will be made strong. But you refused.”
Isaiah 30:15 (TPT)

I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. He listened so intently as I laid out my case before him. Death stared me in the face, hell was hard on my heels. Up against it, I didn’t know which way to turn; then I called out to God for help: “Please, God!” I cried out. “Save my life!” God is gracious—it is he who makes things right, our most compassionate God. God takes the side of the helpless; when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me. (Psalm 116:1-6 MSG)

Our heavenly Father is waiting for His lost children to call on Him and come back home. He does not wish for any to perish. Just like the father of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-24), His arms are always open wide to receive those who call upon His name.

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