Praise Him More & More

But as for me, I will wait and hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. 
Psalm 71:14 (AMP)

Be my rock of refuge where I can always hide. You have given the order to keep me safe; You are my solid ground—my rock and my fortress. (Psalm 71:3 VOICE) It was you who supported me from the day I was born, loving me, helping me through my life’s journey. You’ve made me into a miracle; no wonder I trust you and praise you forever! Many marvel at my success, but I know it is all because of you, my mighty protector! (Psalm 71:6-7 TPT) 

For your glorious righteousness reaches up to the high heavens. No one could ever be compared to you! Who is your equal, O God of marvels and wonders? Even though you’ve let us sink down with trials and troubles, I know you will revive us again, lifting us up from the dust of death. Give us even more greatness than before. Turn and comfort us once again. (Psalm 71:19-21 TPT) 

The LORD alone is our only hope. Trust in Him at all times. Let our praise be continually of Him.

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