My Thanksgiving Story

I led them with chords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them.
Hosea 11:4 (NIV)

In the above Scripture, God is talking about how He cared for Israel.  He leads them with human kindness and ties of love. I started my quiet time with the LORD by thanking Him for all the wonderful blessings He has given me: my husband, our children, my parents, sisters, coworkers, church family and friends. But I'm most touched this morning by the kind acts of unknown strangers who I will probably never meet.

Today my daughter, Crystal celebrates her 22nd birthday and Thanksgiving in the small town of Huntingdon, England where she serves in the Navy. I was brought to tears and my heart filled with gratitude as she told me how some military wives got together and served the military men & women a delicious Thanksgiving meal yesterday. I am so grateful to God for the kind acts of total strangers that reached out to my daughter when I couldn't be there for her. I heard God saying, "I got this."

I encourage you to reach out with an act of kindness in love whenever you can. You never know how many people will be blessed with just one caring act.

With Much Gratitude,
Love, Jackie


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