Happy New Year

Happy New Year to All!

I want to share my New Year letter with you. “Why?” you may be asking yourself. I want to share for accountability, out of obedience to God and because we are family. We share our love by sharing our hearts. So, as the Apostle Paul said in one of his letters to the Corinthians, “Put up with me for a little while.”

Reflections on 2008
As I reflected on the highlights of the past year the things that stood out most to me were the times I knew I was right on target with the will of God.

One of those moments was at my first book signing at Promise Land Books. God opened the windows of heaven and poured out His blessings in abundance. For me it was a time of reaping so much joy after the years of discipline and work that went into Manna in the Morning. The name of the bookstore was so appropriate because I definitely felt like I had entered a special promise land that God had prepared for me.

To arrive, I just had to take the steps of obedience as God led me. I almost said “simple” steps, but they were only simple after I completed them and looked back. It was then I realized what God was directing me to do was not difficult as long as I kept my trust in Him. I thank all of you who have let me know that Manna in the Morning is blessing you.

Another defining moment came for me this year as I stood before a group of women and gave my personal testimony for the 1st time. I knew God was smiling down on me as I obediently told how He transformed my life from one of tragedy (molest, rape, abortion, suicidal ideations, etc.) to one of triumph. I shared how I embraced His loved and His Word as God guided me out of a dark prison and into His marvelous light and freedom.

Plans for 2009
As I began to think about my goals for the coming year, I asked God to reveal His will for me.

I. What is heaviest on my heart is to encourage believers with the Word of God, as it has been for several years now. This is what I call my Hebrews 3:13 ministry, to encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today. The Word has changed my life so much and in so many ways. I pray for you to get into the Word. Let it mold you, strengthen you, counsel you, reveal God to you, and connect you with His eternal love.

II. In addition, I also feel a burden to promote love and unity in the body of Christ. In John 17:20-23, Jesus prayed that all believers be one, just as He is one with the Father. He prayed for us to be brought to complete unity. Likewise, I pray for us, the body of Christ, to come together in love, peace and unity. May we do away with anything and everything that causes divisions in the body of Christ.

III. Where does love & unity begin?
The answer: In the home, between husband and wife. God said a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). This leads to my 3rd mission in Christ and one I share with my husband, to strengthen marital relationships.

We will continue to teach marriage classes and mentor couples because we know the battle rages against marriages and we are familiar with the damage divorces causes. And God hates divorce.

We are currently scheduled to do a Saturday workshop at the PK3 Ministries, Marriage Enrichment Retreat, 30-31 January 2009. That flyer will be sent in a separate email. Solid marriages are important to us because we know that strong healthy marriages built on God’s Word are key to producing strong, faithful children who develop into mature believers that in turn make up the body of Christ.

IV. My 4th mission in 2009 is to complete the book I’m writing about my life, entitled, “Silent Screams.” God has instructed me to tell my story and as I have followed His direction He has done a tremendous work of healing in me. Many women have let me know they relate to my story. As we share our painful experiences we triumph over things the devil meant for evil and we gain emotionally, spiritually and in our relationships with God as well as with others.

As you celebrate the New Year may you remember:
JESUS CHRIST is the reason for ALL Seasons!

From my Heart to yours,
With Love, Your Sister-in-Christ,

Jacqueline Renee Harts

P.S. Please share your goals/plans for 2009 with me so we can hold each other accountable throughout the year. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) says, where there is no vision, the people perish.

What will you commit to do in the coming year to be a better husband, wife, child of God, parent, co-worker, etc.?


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