He Understands

Since we have a great high priest, Jesus the Son of God, who has gone into heaven, let us hold on to the faith we have. For our high priest is able to understand our weaknesses. He was tempted in every way that we are, but he did not sin.
Hebrews 4:14-15 (NCV)

Jesus is our great high priest, who understands our weaknesses and all that we go through. Never be afraid to bear your soul to Him. Isaiah 53:3 tells us, He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. He was oppressed and afflicted (Isaiah 53:7). Since Jesus has gone through suffering and testing, He is able to help us when we are being tested, (Hebrews 2:18). Let us approach the throne of our gracious God, with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


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