Never Forget

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things he does for me.
He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.
He redeems me from death
and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
Psalm 103:1-5 (NLT)

Let us never forget the good things the Lord does for us. He forgives us for all the times we fall short of His will. He heals our diseases. The Lord redeems us from death and gives us the wonderful gift of eternal life. His love and tender mercies sit upon us like a crown of sparkling jewels. He renews our youth and vigor and fills our life with good things. Glory hallelujah! Praise the precious name of the Lord!


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