Never Fail to Bear Fruit

Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD
The LORD will be his confidence. 
He will be like a tree that is planted by water. 
It will send its roots down to a stream. 
It will not be afraid in the heat of summer. 
Its leaves will turn green. 
It will not be anxious during droughts.
It will not stop producing fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (GW)

Always trust, believe in, and fully rely on the LORD. Let your roots tap into the spring of Living Water, and you will not be anxious during dry seasons, or fear the heat of summer. Instead of shriveling up, you will continue to bear good, fresh fruit that will last. The fruit of abundant love, overflowing joy, abiding peace, patience in all circumstances, continual kindness, great goodness, enduring faithfulness, tender gentleness, and disciplined self-control. Amen.


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