You Can't Hide

“I am a God who is near.
 I am also a God who is far away,” declares the LORD.
 “No one can hide so that I can’t see him,” declares the LORD.
 “I fill heaven and earth!” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:23-24 (GW)

As a child, you may have enjoyed playing the game of Hide & Seek, but we don't want to try to hide from our heavenly Father, besides it is impossible. The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3). Choose to keep the LORD near, follow Him wherever He leads you. Be like Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus listening to what He said and learning from Him (Luke 10:39). The eyes of God are not on us to harm us. He keeps watch over us to protect us, rescue us, and guide us along on the right path. Give God some PRAISE!


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