Be True to the Mission

John answered, “People can’t receive anything unless it has been given to them from heaven. You are witnesses that I said, ‘I’m not the Messiah, but I’ve been sent ahead of him.’ He must increase in importance, while I must decrease in importance.”John 3:27-28, 30 (GW)

The disciples of John the Baptist complained to him that everyone was going to Jesus to be baptized. John realized he was not competing with Jesus. He realized it was not about him, but about doing the will of God. John said, “This is the assigned moment for him to move into the center, while I slip off to the sidelines.” (John 3:30, The Message).

May we, like John, stay humble, submit to God and be true to the mission He has given each one of us. Let us follow God’s will for our lives as His Holy Spirit leads and guides. Amen.


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