A Single Purpose

The believers had a single purpose and went to the temple every day. They were joyful and humble as they ate at each other’s homes and shared their food. At the same time, they praised God and had the good will of all the people. Every day the Lord saved people, and they were added to the group.
Acts 2:46-47 (GW)

Amazing things happen when God's people come together in one accord. In Acts 2, the believers were devoted to studying the Word daily, fellowship, to the breaking of bread, to prayer and to praising God. As a result, miraculous signs took place, they were full of joy, generous and humble. The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. People liked what they saw and wanted to be a part. When the world sees the church loving God and really caring about each other, they will want to be a member of God's family.


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