Into His Arms
I’ve thrown myself headlong into your arms—I’m celebrating your rescue. I’m singing at the top of my lungs, I’m so full of answered prayers. —Psalm 13:5-6 (The Message)
Our God is a mighty God and the safest place for us is in His arms. Throw yourself headlong into the arms of our heavenly Father, that's head first. That means we have to get our minds renewed according to the Word of God, then the rest of us will follow, our bodies, our tongues, etc. As we stay in His arms, He carries us close to His heart. Always remember the wonderful works the LORD has done in your midst. Thank and praise Him for answered prayers and for what is yet to come.
Our God is a mighty God and the safest place for us is in His arms. Throw yourself headlong into the arms of our heavenly Father, that's head first. That means we have to get our minds renewed according to the Word of God, then the rest of us will follow, our bodies, our tongues, etc. As we stay in His arms, He carries us close to His heart. Always remember the wonderful works the LORD has done in your midst. Thank and praise Him for answered prayers and for what is yet to come.