He is Mindful of Us!

You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield. The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us; He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the LORD, both small and great.Psalm 115:11-13 (NKJV)

Never feel abandoned or deserted. You are always on the mind of God, the Creator of heaven and earth. God is mindful of us. His mind is full of thoughts and plans for us. Psalm 40:5 says His thoughts about us are more than can be numbered. He has written all of your days in His book and He has plans for you to give you hope and a future. Blessings are coming your way whether you think you are small or great. Hallelujah!


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