A Glorious Destiny

Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Psalm 73:23-24 (NLT)

We are God’s property. We belong to the LORD, our Creator and heavenly Father. We are continually with Him. He takes us by the hand and leads us in all wisdom, power and truth. God knows what each and every day holds for us and He has given us exactly what we need. We are to take every step in faith, with purpose, and according to His plan. The LORD's plans for you are for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT). The LORD will work out his plans for your life—(Psalm 138:8 NLT). His plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken (Psalm 33:11 NLT). The LORD's purpose will prevail (Proverbs 19:21). Glory hallelujah!


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