Mess or Masterpiece?

“And now my life drains out, as suffering seizes and grips me hard. Night gnaws at my bones; the pain never lets up. I am tied hand and foot, my neck in a noose. I twist and turn. Thrown facedown in the muck, I’m a muddy mess, inside and out.”Job 30:16-19 (MSG)

Consider nothing about your life a mess. God works ALL things together for good. What may look like a mess, is just one color of the masterpiece God is painting of your life. All your days were written in His book, before you were born; there are no coincidences in God. There is purpose even in your pain. Embrace the place where you are today, knowing that it is part of the process of being perfected. God is at work, in you and through you, as you go from one glory to another. What today looks like a muddy mess, is really part of God’s magnificent masterpiece that is called, YOU.


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