God wants His Children to know…

God wants His children to know:

“I really do love you. I want the absolute best for you. Don’t think you know better than I do, what is good for you. Don’t grovel in past mistakes, and don’t be like a dog that goes back to its vomit. Your future is so much more glorious than where you have been. The world has nothing of any value to offer you. It’s all temporary.

What I offer is life, abundant life, true happiness and a deep, deep peace that will not be moved by circumstances. I have a love for you that never dies and never grows cold. I don’t love like man. I love deep. I love you through and through. I know the worst about you and I still love you. I will never abandon you. I’m here to stay, right by your side. You are not alone. Stop running. I am on your side —not against you.

Draw near to Me. I want to hold you in My arms. Let Me surround you with the light of My love. My perfect love casts out fear. When my light enters your being, darkness has to flee. It cannot stay. The entrance of My light brings knowledge and wisdom. It will show you the way. As you allow My Spirit to lead you, you will triumph over the troubles, trials and temptations that come your way. No need to let the events of this world frustrate you. I have a plan. Everything in your life has already been worked out and written in My book before you were born.”

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)


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