Love Suffers Long

Love suffers long and is kind;1 Corinthians 13:4 (NKJV)

God put these 3 words on my heart this morning: love suffers long. Then He added, do all things without complaining (Philippians 2:14). We do not like to suffer, but it’s a part of life. And we have the comfort of knowing that God will cause ALL things to work together for good. Like childbirth, we must go through the pain of delivery to enjoy holding a beautiful baby in our arms. How long must we suffer? As long as we need to. Labor times vary in duration. Tell yourself, “I will until!” Continue until what is in you has been birthed into reality.

We live in a microwave, disposable society. We want everything quick and when something no longer works for us, we throw it away. Our God us above and beyond a crock pot, He is doing in us, a work of perfection, not to be rushed or taken lightly.


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