This too Shall Pass

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven  —Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)

I’m sharing this for those who are not full of cheer this holiday season. If you are consumed with sadness or depression during this time, this is a reminder that this too shall pass. Times and seasons come and go, but through it all, we have our great God, who never changes. One Christmas morning, 23 years ago, I found myself lying on the living room floor, in front of our Christmas tree, with tears pouring down my face, having suicidal thoughts. I was experiencing marital difficulties and I was miserable and hopeless. I could hear the enemy telling me to go in the bathroom and hang myself. He told me my life was not going to  get any better. I almost believed the lies.

Fast forward to the present, I’m loving my life, walking with the Lord, standing on His Word, happily married for 18 years. On that cold Christmas morning, I never imagined the possibility for my life to be as good as it is now. I’m truly blessed! And God is no respecter of persons. He will do it for you too. God does amazing things in our lives, however, we must allow Him time. No matter how dark your season, keep your faith and trust in God and give Him time to work everything together for good in your life. Amen.


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