Have Faith!

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”John 14:1 (NLT)

In John 14:27 (NKJV), Jesus gives us another reminder: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” If Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is our Lord, why do we get so upset and distressed when troubles come our way? Jesus said He gave us His peace. Do we believe the world more than we believe the Word of God?

While the disciples thought they were perishing, Jesus was able to sleep in the midst of the storm because He trusted in our heavenly Father. (Mark 4:37-38). “Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me. (John 14:1 AMP) [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] (John 14:27 AMP excerpt)


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