Persistent Faith
So what makes you think God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t he stick up for them? I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?” —Luke 18:7-8 (MSG)
Jesus told the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart. This unjust judge did not fear God, nor care about people, but he made sure a widow got justice because she kept troubling him with continual requests. (Luke 18:1-6).
As disciples of Christ, may we have persistent faith. Never lose heart or give up. Surely, God will give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night. When faced with challenges, faithful men and women of God believe His Word and continually stand on it. We pray at all times. We keep showing God’s love and grace to those difficult personalities in our lives. We keep giving, because God so graciously provides for us. As believers with persistent faith, we keep pursuing the dreams God placed in our hearts, knowing that with God ALL things are possible.
Jesus told the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart. This unjust judge did not fear God, nor care about people, but he made sure a widow got justice because she kept troubling him with continual requests. (Luke 18:1-6).
As disciples of Christ, may we have persistent faith. Never lose heart or give up. Surely, God will give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night. When faced with challenges, faithful men and women of God believe His Word and continually stand on it. We pray at all times. We keep showing God’s love and grace to those difficult personalities in our lives. We keep giving, because God so graciously provides for us. As believers with persistent faith, we keep pursuing the dreams God placed in our hearts, knowing that with God ALL things are possible.