Strong & Empowered

But he did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that God had the power to do what He had promised. Romans 4:20-21 (AMP)

Abraham took God at His Word, when He said he would have a son. He did not consider the past infertility of his wife. He faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead, but He didn’t allow the facts to weaken his faith. (Romans 4:19)

When current conditions appear hopeless, don't waver in unbelief, and have no doubt. Live fully persuaded that God is able to make good on all His wonderful promises. Just as Abraham grew, let us grow strong and empowered by our faith, as we progress from one glory to another. Faith looks through the shortcomings of yesterday. It sees beyond the realities of today and actively pursues the promises and possibilities available in God.


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