No Worries
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. —John 10:10 (NLT)
Every minute the enemy can get you to worry about the future or feel guilty about the past is valuable time he has stolen away from you. The most precious gift we have at any given moment is to enjoy the Presence of our great God. In His Presence, we experience true peace and fullness of joy. As long as the enemy can get you to worry, be anxious or fearful, he has destroyed any chance of you living the rich and satisfying life Jesus came to give you.
Worry is a distraction that drains the energy and passion you need to pursue and fulfill the wonderful purpose and plans God has for you. Let him who steals, steal no longer. Cast all your cares on the LORD and totally trust Him with every area of your life.
Every minute the enemy can get you to worry about the future or feel guilty about the past is valuable time he has stolen away from you. The most precious gift we have at any given moment is to enjoy the Presence of our great God. In His Presence, we experience true peace and fullness of joy. As long as the enemy can get you to worry, be anxious or fearful, he has destroyed any chance of you living the rich and satisfying life Jesus came to give you.
Worry is a distraction that drains the energy and passion you need to pursue and fulfill the wonderful purpose and plans God has for you. Let him who steals, steal no longer. Cast all your cares on the LORD and totally trust Him with every area of your life.