Rest & Rely

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.”Isaiah 30:15 (NLT)

Sometimes we wrestle with God for the steering wheel of our lives. We want to be in the driver’s seat and God wants us to rest in the passenger seat and enjoy the companionship of His presence as we journey together. At other times we want to put our feet on the accelerator and speed up the process, instead of patiently waiting and trusting God’s timing. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on Him… (Isaiah 30:15b MSG). Let us return to the LORD, rest in Him and rely on Him, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill every promise and provide for every need.


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