
…and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary.Revelation 2:3 (NKJV)

The dictionary says persevere means to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. No matter how things may appear at this moment in time, we need to persevere. Let us always stand on God’s Word, persist in prayer and continually thank and praise God for victory and success in every area of our lives.

Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course! You’ve heard, of course, of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That’s because God cares, cares right down to the last detail. (James 5:10-11 MSG)


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