Enjoy Life
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. —1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV)
Put your hope and trust in God. A relationship with the LORD is not about laws and regulations. It’s about an everlasting love and a more abundant life. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) He richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. (1 Timothy 6:17 NLT) God is not a hard taskmaster. He is a loving Father. His instructions are not to deprive us, but to protect us and keep us on the best pathway for our lives, one full of love, joy and peace.
Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I’ve got— Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation. God’s works are so great, worth A lifetime of study—endless enjoyment! Splendor and beauty mark his craft; His generosity never gives out. His miracles are his memorial— This God of Grace, this God of Love. (Psalm 111:1-4 MSG)
Put your hope and trust in God. A relationship with the LORD is not about laws and regulations. It’s about an everlasting love and a more abundant life. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) He richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. (1 Timothy 6:17 NLT) God is not a hard taskmaster. He is a loving Father. His instructions are not to deprive us, but to protect us and keep us on the best pathway for our lives, one full of love, joy and peace.
Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I’ve got— Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation. God’s works are so great, worth A lifetime of study—endless enjoyment! Splendor and beauty mark his craft; His generosity never gives out. His miracles are his memorial— This God of Grace, this God of Love. (Psalm 111:1-4 MSG)