Now is the Time

“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
John 4:23-24 (NLT)

Now is the time to worship Abba Father. True worship comes from the heart, not out of a sense of obligation. Let us come to Yahweh with an open heart and no pretense. “God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.” (See John 4:24 TPT)

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. (Psalm 100:4-5 NLT) Give glory to the LORD your God before it is too late. (See Jeremiah 13:16 NLT)

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