Able & Willing

Jesus looked at them and replied, “With people it is impossible, but not with God—God makes all things possible!”
Mark 10:27 (TPT)

You can stand with man and be disappointed or you can believe God. Our mighty God is able and willing. Why, then, O Jacob’s tribes, would you ever complain? And my chosen Israel, why would you say, “Yahweh isn’t paying attention to my situation. He has lost all interest in what happens to me.” Don’t you know? Haven’t you been listening? Yahweh is the one and only everlasting God, the Creator of all you can see and imagine! He never gets weary or worn out. His intelligence is unlimited; he is never puzzled over what to do! (Isaiah 40:27-28 TPT) When the situation appears impossible, trust in Elohim, the all-powerful One. Nothing is too difficult for Him. He is more than able and willing to handle your concerns. 

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