Here on Purpose

From one man he has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live. He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.Acts 17:26-27 (CSB)

Yahweh formed our inward parts. He knit each one of us together in the womb of our mother. (See Psalms 139:13) God has determined our appointed times and the boundaries of our habitation. He intentionally created each one of us with a purpose and good plans. He has placed us and positioned us, on this earth and in His body (the church), for such a time as this. We each have an assignment and purpose to fulfill. It is through him that we live and function and have our identity; just as your own poets have said, ‘Our lineage comes from him.’ (Acts 17:28 TPT) Let us reach forward to what lies ahead, and press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (See Philippians 3:13-14)

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