Approach the Throne
Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment]. —Hebrews 4:16 (AMP)
What an honor and a privilege that we may approach the throne of YAHWEH, at any time. May we humbly approach the throne of grace and choose to abide there. The great “I AM” is always with us, and He alone is Who we need. Let us make sure we are with Him by setting the affection and desires of our hearts upon Him. He has made His wonderful acts to be remembered; The LORD is gracious and merciful and full of loving compassion. (Psalm 111:4 AMP) Surely, He will help us in our time of need. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. (James 4:8 NLT)