What is Your Heart Saying?

When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, O LORD, I shall seek.”Psalm 27:8 (NASB1995)

How does your heart respond to YAHWEH? In the midst of cares and concerns of this world, is it saying: “there is no room for you, Yeshua”? Is it so cluttered with desires for fame, fortunes, or other material possessions that you don’t even have ears to hear His call? Maybe your heart is so battered and bruised or filled with bitterness, and void of hope, that it fails to respond to the loving call of God at all.

Let us seek and deeply long for the LORD and His strength [His power, His might]; Seek and deeply long for His face and His presence continually. (See Psalm 105:4 AMP) Instead of seeking likes on social media sites, seek to hear the words “Well done, my good and faithful servant… enter into the joy of your master.” (See Matthew 25:21) Instead of trying to make your name great, lift up the name above all names. For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue profess that Yeshua the Messiah is Lord— to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11 TLV) Amen.

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