“It is finished!”

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. — John 19:30 (NKJV) When Jesus said, “It is finished!” it was a done deal. As Jesus bowed His head on that cross, all things were accomplished —our healing, our victory. Through His sacrifice we received everything we will ever need. What freedom we can experience when we really understand that it is already done. With this realization, we can stay in His perfect peace and fullness of joy. All of our days are already written in God's book. Instead of victims we are victors, more than conquerors. We just have to walk in the steps Jesus already mapped out for us. Everything else that happens in this life is just a sideshow distraction to get us off the path God has for us. Distractions are tools the enemy uses to get us to wander off the path and wonder if God’s Word is true. God made it simple, we complicate it. Don't let the enemy come in cause confusion. Inst...