Embrace the Place
When I got hired, I told the lady, “I won’t be here long.” I was sure, I would be moving on, to bigger and better things. Well, I had my plans and God had His. I have been working at the same place for 25 years now. I use to cry out, “When God when?” I finally learned to embrace the place where He has me.
God sends us out into the world, our workplace, our homes, etc. to be ambassadors for Him. Where we go everyday is the place He has called us to occupy and take territory for His Kingdom. The people I encounter on my job, are for His purpose. He has called me to be a light in that place. I am to share the love and grace of God. I am to be a peacemaker and do what I can to keep the peace.
God does not stash us away, just to occupy time and space. Wherever He sends us everyday, He has purpose for us to fulfill. Do not despise the place where God has you, no matter how small and mundane it may appear. You don’t know what big things are happening in the unseen realm that our big God is orchestrating. And believe me, wherever you are, God has not forgotten about you.