Go Quickly
As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. —Luke 2:15-16 (MSG)
The shepherds wanted to see Jesus for themselves, and they ran to see Him, without delay. Then the shepherds went back to their sheep, praising God and thanking him for everything they had seen and heard. It had been just as the angel had told them. (Luke 2:20 NCV) May we hurry to see our Savior, and spend time with Him, every day that our heavenly Father gives us breath. Once we encounter King Jesus, the Prince of Peace, we cannot help but praise God and thank Him for everything He has done.
The shepherds wanted to see Jesus for themselves, and they ran to see Him, without delay. Then the shepherds went back to their sheep, praising God and thanking him for everything they had seen and heard. It had been just as the angel had told them. (Luke 2:20 NCV) May we hurry to see our Savior, and spend time with Him, every day that our heavenly Father gives us breath. Once we encounter King Jesus, the Prince of Peace, we cannot help but praise God and thank Him for everything He has done.