Come Closer
Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; and purify your [unfaithful] hearts, you double-minded [people]. —James 4:8 (AMP)
When we draw near to God, it is a matter of the heart. James 4:8 (TPT) says: Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you. Let us come close to our heavenly Father with a repentant heart. One that is soft and ready to be molded by Him. If our loyalty is divided between God and the world we are being double-minded. (See James 4:8 NLT) Don't let the desire for any earthly thing, lure you away from the Kingdom of God, which is about your righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (See Romans 14:17) May we cast off the ways and attitudes of this world and set our affections on Jesus, the Lord of lords and King of kings. He is our Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6), and the Savior of the World (1 John 4:14). Love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. (See Matthew 22:37).
But as for us, we will bless and affectionately and gratefully praise the LORD from this time forth and forever. Praise the LORD! (Hallelujah!) —Psalm 115:18 (AMP)