What Are You Eating?

Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and feed [securely] on His faithfulness.
Psalm 37:3 (AMP)

Feed on the faithfulness of our heavenly Father. Then you will be strong and confident in the LORD, full of peace, love and joy. When we feed on the consistently negative news of this world, anxieties and fears multiply within us. When we continually feast on the desires of our flesh, it eventually leads to emptiness, dissatisfaction and discouragement. Feed your heart, mind and soul with the goodness of our mighty God. He is with us, He loves us and He is forever faithful to take care of His people. Nothing we go through in this world can compare to the glory that awaits us for all eternity. Continue to do good and let God take care of the rest.

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