Great is the LORD

LORD, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power. Who would not fear you, O King of nations? That title belongs to you alone! Among all the wise people of the earth and in all the kingdoms of the world, there is no one like you. Jeremiah 10:6-7 (NLT)

Then I said, Listen. Listen carefully: Don’t stay stuck in your ways! It’s God’s Message we’re dealing with here. Let your lives glow bright before God before he turns out the lights, before you trip and fall on the dark mountain paths. The light you always took for granted will go out and the world will turn black. (Jeremiah 13:16 MSG) Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! Give glory to the LORD your God before it is too late… (Jeremiah 13:16a NLT)

“As for any nation that will not listen to and follow My ways, I will uproot it and destroy it completely.” This is what the Eternal has declared.Jeremiah 12:17 (VOICE)

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