Start Over
So I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over. —Jeremiah 18:3-4 (NLT)
When our choices cause the shape of our lives to veer away from the good plan the LORD has for us, He takes us, and uses the same lump of clay to start over. As long as we stay on His Potter’s wheel, He will give us a “do over.” He will use everything and work it together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (See Romans 8:28) We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. (2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT)
But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; and all of us are the work of Your hand. —Isaiah 64:8 (NASB)