What Do You Seek?

Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.Isaiah 55:6 (NASB)

Any material thing you seek is temporary and will not satisfy. Psalm 63:5 (NLT) says: You (God) satisfy me more than the richest feast. Our great God is eternal. Jesus said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) We have all we need, as we abide in YAHWEH. Psalm 23:1 (NLT) says: The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He is the great “I AM.” If it’s peace you want, Isaiah 26:3 says, as our thoughts are fixed upon Him, He will keep us in perfect peace. Are you in pursuit of happiness? Psalm 16:11 tells us, in His presence is fullness of joy. 

If it's love you seek, Psalm 103:11 (NASB) says, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. The LORD redeems our lives from the pit, and crowns us with lovingkindness and compassion. (See Psalm 103:4) If you are lost, He will show you the way in which you should go. If it's truth you seek, Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6) May we seek the LORD and His ways, each moment of every day.

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